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Likes- American rock band My Chemical Romance
- Hellsing (specifically Alucard LMFAO)
- Cats!!
- The colors red and black
- Early 2000s emo culture and fashion
- Art
- Horror/macabre/dark-aligned media
- Traumacore
- Gore Art
- Early 2000s cartoons
- True Crime
- Creepypasta


Click on any of the links above to navigate!

Dislikes- Me ahaha funi depression joke
- Sweets (like seriously how do ya'll like candies)
- Meat (except chicken)
- Heights
- Bodies of water
- Most colors
- Cancel culture
- People who shove their beliefs down on other people's throats


Click on any of the links above to navigate!

DNI/DNFDon’t interact/follow if you’re/you:- basic DNI criteria
- under 13
- participate in (pride) flag discourse
- support problematic band members (ie. Bob Bryar, Brendon Urie, Jimmy Urine, etc.)
- make fun of traumacore
- don’t like RPF. Please, I don’t want to start any arguments. If you don’t like RPF, just block me.


Click on any of the links above to navigate!

Basic DNI CriteriaDon’t interact if you’re/you:- homophobic, transphobic (this includes if you don't think non-binary people are trans), or if you don’t like people from the LGBTQ+ community.
- islamophobic and/or anti-semitic
- a pedophile. I don’t care if you call yourself a MAP/NOMAP, I’m calling you what you REALLY ARE.
- a terf and/or a swerf
- a misogynist
- racist
- a zoophile
- ableist
- support of all lives matter and/or blue lives matter
